I picked up Midgard: Heroic Battles today, after doing some shopping at CanCon. I now have ideas for about a dozen more projects...
stay focused: this is the current work-in-progress |
Every hobbyist struggles with distraction, but the past year has seen the pressure ramp up even more than usual. Two sets of temporary promotions, personal issues - oh, right and my beautiful son, whose eyes glow in the daylight.
bad selfie from last week |
Still, let's try to get more thoroughly back into the hobby that I, y'know, love. Let's review 2024.
Through December 2023, I spent a lot of effort into adding transfers and finishing touches to my
Mantis Warriors Space Marines. I didn't post any of the work here, as I intend to do a big project reveal when they're finished (six vehicles planned...), but it was actually surprisingly productive!
I also shifted my entire hobby room in preparation for Mr Wriggles (see below), but I did manage to get a small command squad for my
Squats done:
Warmaster Gorun, Mjǫllnir Brotherhood, Fourth Grand Clan Army, accompanied by his húskarlar. |
Oldhammer fans may recognise the inspiration behind the Warmaster.
Warmaster Gorun, Squat Commander (c) Games Workshop |
February 2024
Command Squad veteran |
Lieutenant |
Land Speeder (Storm variant) |
March 2024
Not a productive month. I painted one
civilian. I also had a great game of 6th edition Warhammer fantasy, allying
my wood elves with
LM's new Empire project against a mutual friend. As LM's humans weren't yet painted, I didn't do an after action report, but it was a fun game. Have some photos.
falconers in the forest |
Chaos lurks |
Skaw duels a Champion of Tzeentch |
Wardancers |
It was so good to play a rank-and-flank again. Like breathing clean air after a long time in a city. Also a game without re-rolls! Luck actually meant something! It was great fun.
Sadly, it was intended to be the opening clash in a campaign, but I straight-up couldn't commit to another local game for months after this. ):
Just before the month closed, I happened to visit Sydney, where I helped a friend of mine playtest a post-Event miniatures game he'd been working on. The day wasn't a complete success, but we were able to give him some useful feedback - and C. is a real gem to spend time with.
the terrain was a lot of fun |
hovering cityscape! |
somethin' bad happened here |
farmhouse looks quiet, don't it |
intrepid adventurers |
flooded farmland |
boars |
river-eye-view |
April 2024
I turned 40! But before then, I finished all the catch-up I had planned on the Mantis Warriors by finishing the very last unit -
converted scout bikers I'd had planned (and the kits for) for
years. I even finished
a Rhino transport!
Mantis Warriors, Tenth Company |
Mantis Warriors, Third Company, Second Squad + Rhino |
Revered Ancient Kamacuras, interred in a Furibundus-class dreadnaught. |
On 30 April, 2024, I started a 1:1 scale miniature project: Arthur Peregrine.
he was too little for the cot! |
now he's huge! |
May 2024
While my partner was convalescing, I bought and started working on
a Predator kit. There's not a lot to do when you're waiting for the baby to wake between feeds and your partner is also resting, and I wanted something to keep me occupied.
Predator Annihilator نمشة (Nimcha), attached to the 3rd Company, Mantis Warriors |
And then I actually build and painted
the Middlehammer Whirlwind I'd had sitting around for like three years.
Whirlwind Tất Thắng, attached to the 3rd Company, Mantis Warriors |
June-July 2024
The end of May and start of June saw me
nearly finish my old gnome project. I simply ran out of gnomes! The weather also turned decidedly crispy, so I focused my attention on sculpting
some horrible things for the Death Guard. I wouldn't finish them for months, though.
At the end of July, I did find this in my terrain pile and so painted it up. It was acquired from a friend, so it was not built the way I'd have built it but I managed to crust it up in a fairly satisfying manner:
whatever that tank stores sucks |
August 2024
I also kitbashed and painted a full unit of seven Blightlord Terminators, led by Aspiring Champion-Sergeant Sānchóng. The
post about these guys marked the return to blogging!
September 2024
..which I then immediately failed to do in September, when I finished my #turnip28 regiment. Stalled for something like three years because of an inability to print the damn banners and then I don't even post about it. Shame.
Триста Тридцать Третий Репки Родины [trans. 333rd Turnips of the Motherland] |
I also finished off the first of the new Death Guard vehicles, the stock Hellbrute:
he's actually very friendly if you get to know him |
October - December 2024
That's pretty much the year. October through December you already know; I finished five more nightmarish machines and then went on holidays to the United States. Arthur's first plane rides (he did very well).
I don't really want to go into details here about the trip, but have some fun photos of corrosion I took for reference:
And this amazing saddle at the Met, with #blanchitsu checkmark detailing.
dang it, i forgot to photograph the caption |
Come to think of it, 2024 might have been pretty productive after all.
For 2025, I am trying to stay focused. As you can probably tell, early in 2024 I decided to pivot to staying as project-focused as possible. While I have lots of ideas for armies or skirmish forces or Blood Bowl teams or entire re-enactment scenarios or campaigns or --- ahem --- if I stay focused, I can not only get more done, but I can knock some things away. Which is very satisfying.
Death Guard soon. Then a distraction project. (I'm only mortal!) Then hopefully finishing another big project. The irony, of course, is that the 40k Death Guard were themselves originally a minor distraction project - "I'd like to paint those old plastics," I said to myself...
Okay, fine. Enough. Time to work on that Plagueburst Crawler.... ooh, what's this over here...
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