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Thursday, 16 April 2020

Those Who Study, Those Who Pray

Back in February, I rambled excessively about old-school terrain and old-school wargaming aesthetics. It was a bit much.

a Moebius scene from La Cité Feu, 1985
I'm still working on how I'll put together a table of terrain to match my big mouth, but I've also been working on some people to populate it. I've gone a bit off doing big, tedious army-scale projects at the moment (aside from my ongoing work with the Old World Army Challenge), but doing small-scale projects like Kill Teams or Blood Bowl teams are definitely juicy and fun.

Last year, I backed a Colony 87 kickstarter to get myself a huge range of Science Fiction civilians. The range was originally conceived by noted #oldhammer luminary axiom, who has since passed the governorship of Colony 87 to Crooked Dice Miniatures. The range is a beautiful set of space folks with old-school aesthetics, and I've been keen to paint them since I got them.

I also have a handful of Rogue Trader-era sculpts and some sundries I've picked up along the way. I'm sure I'll add more as well. I will split them all into rough categories (workers, aristocracy, bourgeois, intelligentsia, &c), and paint them in lil' groups.

I am trying to steer clear of the 'browns and grey' #grimdark aesthetic and toward something brighter and more old-school. I would like to think these would fit as easily into Rogue Trader-era Warhammer 40K as a Moebius crowd scene as anything in Modernhammer. We'll see.

Here are the first few I finished. They are administrative workers, priests, scholars and the like:

Chamber Secretary Felix Saponya, Administratum

Botanist Hereward Osman, Mechanicus

High Priestess Cardinia, Ministorum

Recordist Junger, Administratum

Wandering Alexei, (poss. Mechanicus)

And this fellow is a Rogue Trader-era sculpt (whose hand seems to be slightly miscast):

Astropath Yerl, Astra Telepathica


  1. I get a huge kick every time I see a freshly painted C87 figure, these are great! Love the markings over the High Priestess's eye.

    1. It's my favourite part. I was so stressed about doing it and then 'bloop, bloop, bloop', easy-peasy.

      Also, big thanks for saying so! More in the works!

  2. Moebius pic is from the portfolio he did with Geoff Darrow called "the city of fire".

    1. Oh, fantastic! Thank you! I'll correct the post.
