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Tuesday, 14 April 2020


One of the better things about the Rogue Trader-era of marines was the camouflague.

It gave a real sense that each engagement by a Chapter was its own setting, that every Chapter - while broadly similar - would engage with its enemies in a different way. Some of that is coming across in the modern rules, where each First Founding family has its own codex (/supplement), but a lot of modern stuff makes everything the same. Nearly all equipment is used by every Chapter. Somehow every tiny skirmish involves three Captains and the Chapter Master (and the three Captains all have thunder hammers and jetpacks).

Tranquility Veterans
One of the things I absolutely had to have in my Mantis Warriors project was a squad of snipers in Tranquility Campaign camouflage. They are a mix of different pieces - five Forgeworld Recon Marines, a Vigilator for the sergeant, three kit-bashed snipers, and the Rogue Trader-era Brother Gorshin with his needler.

RT01 Space Marines, from White Dwarf 99 (March 1988)
Courtesy of The Stuff of Legends
I finally got the bits to finish the last member of the squad - actually armed with a combi-grav gun instead of a sniper rifle - a few weeks ago. He's also a member of Kill Team: Renegade.

my painting desk lights are not great

combat shotgun as sidearm

no stripes on this chainblade; just a brutal weapon



  1. These look excellent, yellow can be a pig to work with but the camo scheme is spot on. I love all the older Badab stuff and these really complement that era.

    1. Thank you! I have loads more Mantis that I just haven't put on this blog yet. I need to get some decals and really spruce 'em up.
