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Saturday, 3 December 2022

Those ex-Slaves

You are not machines, you are not cattle - you are men!

there's power in a union

I've had these on my desk since they came out. Always love a narrative of working lads breaking their chains. It's even better if the chains are laser-powered. The pit slaves in Necromunda '98 had similar vibes, and the tale of Bull Gorg goes hard. It's tragic that we never got a miniature of him.

The ex-Slave Ogryn gang in Necromunda '17 fills a similar place, with the addition benefit of just straight-up lobotomizing some of the workers. grim But solves a problem! or does it

The gang (for which I'm yet to decide on a name) also fits into the vague 'civilians' project. These guys can be an outlaw gang of workers in revolt or they can used as flavour or muscle for various factions - all their 'weapons' are really tools, after all. This is why they have my desert basing instead of the grimy underdark basing you've seen before.

Overboss R-4 'Scarred Gills'

I've done these guys with extremely battered yellows, oily metals, and gleaming, standardised power coils. They were a load of fun to paint, even if the assembly makes getting their skin looking decent quite tricky.

R-4 here is armed with twin arc welders, an insanely terrible choice but it looks sick. I've misplaced my bit of scrap paper with everyone's full loadout, so bear with me.

W1-Ll 'the Drag'

J-Ω is also armed with an arc welder, as well as a spud-jacker.

Underboss J-Ω 'the Joiner'

Twin augmetic fists, baby!

W417 'Freedman'

Storm-welder and spud-jacker! The loadout of absolute idiots. (He's named after infamous lobotomy doctor Walter Freeman.)

G-0G & MA-G-0G, lobo-servitors

The design for the lobo-heads is so perfectly creepy.


I found my scrap paper with a starting gang loadout:

Overboss R-4 'Scarred Gills'

Twin Arc-welders
Furnace Plates
Incendiary Charges

Total: 340

Underboss J-Ω 'the Joiner'

Twin Augmetic Fists
Furnace Plates

Total: 235

Slave-Ogryn W417 'Freedman'

Furnace Plates

Total: 185

Lobo-Slave G-0G

Hazard Suit

Total: 120

Lobo-Slave MA-G-0G

Hazard Suit

Total: 120


This lets me recruit W1-Ll 'the Drag' later on, with his arc-welder and spud-jacker, or he can be a brute mercenary for another gang. Hopefully this is relatively WYSIWYG, although the Ogryns are a bit tricky to reflect everything well.


  1. What a fantastic set of bulky guys, I love how imposing they all look, and your weathering is simply perfect. Not brand-new, not overdone. Great job!

    1. Thanks, man! The weathering was both tedious and a lot of fun - I felt I went *well* overboard, so I'm glad it looks alright to someone Not Me.

  2. They look excellent, and these models are so good for adding narrative to the Grim Dark.

    1. Thanks! I really really need to do some terrain though - lots of miniature flavour, no terrain!
