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Saturday, 26 November 2022

Project: Blood Bowl - Amazons

 It's been a while. My computer became too unstable to write anything longer than an email, [redacted] occured, I got promoted at work. Luckily, I've done fucken tons of hobby stuff since April. Let's start with a fully completed project.

watch the parrot!

Of course, about sixty seconds after I finished the last of these girls, Games Workshop released a new ruleset for them. It doesn't look too bad. Catchers are gone and while the blitzers are reduced to 0-2, we now have blockers, who are also 0-2. So I should be able to use the team without too much trouble - if littlemangs and I ever get around to seeing one other in real life, that is.

Presenting the Lemuria Leopards!
jaguar warrior blitzers [blockers]

I've gone with a classic turquoise scheme with bone armour and position-based feather headresses. These are all based on various Aztec warrior society colours, although I wouldn't cite me in a paper.

blitzers but from behind

eagle [python] warrior throwers

piranha warrior catchers [/blitzers]

yes, they are shredded. good of you to notice.

eagle warrior linewomen

eagle warrior linewomen

eagle warrior linewomen

They were pretty fun and easy to paint, although it helped that I didn't bother to learn any new skin techniques. I intended to, but then I... didn't want to.


  1. Lovely paintwork and extra points for the pitch markings on the bases!

    1. Thanks, man! The pitch markings are so easy to do that it's kind of a gimme.
