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Sunday, 28 November 2021

Those Scouts: Riders

Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse / to the old town road

Slann trading contingent, feat. Ometeotl the Outrider

wastelander horseman

Once again, these are hardly civilians, despite the fact that I continue to group these miniatures together under that tag. I suppose I will eventually call this setting something else - maybe if I finally paint any of the terrain I'm accumulating.

These two are mounted scouts; the one a baseline human, riding his actual horse across the desert sands. The other is as far as we can get from that, being a space frog riding a space velociraptor. 


This fellow comes from Crooked Dice, part of their Post Apocalyptic setting. He first perfectly into my Hell/morka setting, with his handsome gas mask and photo-goggles. I see him as a postman, a scout, a mounted caravan guard - capable and sometimes grim, if only lightly armed.

Ometeotl, Slann outrider

The Slann have appeared before, but this fellow comes with no answers to why they are here. The Slann are a post-scarcity society - what do they need in trade? Why has one of their vermillion warriors be seen in the deep rad-wastes? For what alien purpose does he roam the honourless hills?

Of course, you could get your own copy of this sculpt from Diehard Miniatures and invent your own answer...

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