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Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Those Animals: Gyrinx

 Psychic feline-analogues from beyond the stars.

or, put another way: space kitties!

If I'm going to paint cats, I'm always going to call them Gyrinx. I know that the original Rogue Trader bestiary described them as orange, but that text is more what we traditionally call guidelines anyway, right? (For some great ones, by the way, check out Sho3box).

The kitten on the left is one of the handful of remaining Colony 87 sculpts (although Crooked Dice may have just put him in; I don't think he was part of Jon's brief). The other two are from Bad Squiddo Games, part of her Vikings range. I got them originally for my wood elves, but they don't work as hunting cats. They do work as weird alien cats, though.
The yellow eyes give away his non-Terrestrial origins...

This cunning looking fellow has a pattern loosely inspired by my cat, Thistle. Emphasis on 'loosely', as it didn't come out at all well, and I'm a bit irritated by it. Here's a picture of Thistle to make up for it.

she's so big now

This fine fellow is based on piece of Frank Frazetta art, the 1963 cover to Edgar Rice Burroughs's Lost on Venus.

..and this little cat should require no introduction. Just in case, here's a link to a website that should help you out. Again, I'm not completely happy with him - I went too light on the green and they don't contrast enough with the orange. Still, it was just a bit of fun, really.

Coming up on the end of the Colony 87 sculpts!


  1. Replies
    1. I thought you might! I didn't know you read my blog!

    2. Oh ya...I look forward to your posts

    3. Well that's made my morning. Cheers!

  2. Nice trio! I'm always keen on animals and familiars in a range. The cat was actually one of mine. It was sculpted by John Pickford at the same time as the the vermilipus and chameleoid as add-ons to Wave II.

    1. Same. I love these guys.

      Ah! That's actually great to know. It's a really fun sculpt with loads of character. I'm tempted to get more of it.
