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Sunday, 9 August 2020

Oceanic Union ships at Star Ranger

 A short note today, friends.

Strike Force Wollondilly

The excellent Dean Gundberg, who manages the spaceship wargaming hub Star Ranger, contacted me a few weeks ago to use the photos of my Oceanic Union spaceships for his ship stats page. How could I not? Star Ranger is the first place to go for rules on Full Thrust ships that aren't part of the core books or from other fictional settings, as well as a generally neat place for starship combat games.

If you want to see my ships on the Oceanic Union Defence Force page, go here to see them.

Other Full Thrust resources are available on Star Ranger here.

Thanks again, Dean. A real pleasure to help out.


  1. Star Ranger is indeed a good place for Full Theyat toys - that's really cool Dean is still semi active. Your ships are darn nice, GP, all that freehand is really good.

    1. Thanks, Mr Papafakis! Dean is still active on the Full Thrust facebook group too, though I think he mostly lurks these days.

    2. Eh? I ain't Erasmus! My beard is but a smirking to his mighty ogre!! ;P
