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Monday, 27 April 2020

Those Who Work: Droids

Robots are workers too! Synth rights!

these aren't produced by no STC I seen

A while ago, I was invited into an old school gaming group on Facebook, basically a treasure trove of people with way more talent than I have painting extremely cool shit, but without the seventeen mechadendrites and three-different-browns palette of the INQ28 crowd. (Who, to be clear are also a treasure trove of people with way more talent than I have. I can like two things.)

One of the admins of the group had made these little droids, and just after I joined he was selling the last few from his limited run. I hadn't yet figured out how I was going to do terrain and civilians, but I definitely had to have them.

I then picked up the Jackobot, from Citadel's long lost Paranoia range. A few other #oldhammer types have also painted up this model, and I struggled with how to do a colour scheme for him for a while. A mishap with undercoating meant that he had a kind of blotchy, uneven undercoat, which presented a perfect opportunity to practice chipping and weathering.

Under the cut, we have many, many more photos.

uno, dos, trez

some local rascals have scrawled names on


I was originally going to give these guys Arabic numerals for their factory designations, but I decided that I didn't want to order a set of decals just for that purpose, so Roman numerals it is. Which kind of helps tie these into a 40K setting, I suppose, so it all works out.

Not much to say here that isn't said above. When I painted the basecoats, I deliberately left a lot of grey under the red to indicate primer remaining after the red was chipped away - but then I was having so much fun with the steel chipping that I may have gotten carried away. Oh, well. I think he looks pretty good.

I'm especially pleased with the fists. You can still make out the hazard markings on his fists, but they've been chipped and dirtied so much over the years that they're faded almost beyond recognition. This guy puts his hours in down at the spaceport.

Wandering Alexei pauses to inspect a local construction robot

Coming up soon: Other things.


  1. Awesome miniatures pal, nice to see civilian related post for the RT setting!
    PD: I can't find the "follow" button :/

    1. I always add blogs manually, but there is a subscribe by email widget at the bottom of the page ( + gather + ) and an RSS feed widget + track + if that helps.

      I'm afraid I can't see a blogger-follow button thingy.
