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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Project: (Rogue) Traders

..an infinite deal of nothing...

Full Thrust civilian spacecraft 

Miniature games need objectives, and spaceship miniature games more so than most! Otherwise why are your trillion-dollar warships shooting space lasers at each other in the vast emptiness of space? So I got together some of Ground Zero Games's selection of civilian craft and painted them up.

Like the other Full Thrust things I've shared, these are 'finished', although I may expand on them in future, especially if I get any other fleets...

Merchant shipping

Old closeup photos below the cut!

Bergen Starlighter-class medium freighter

Merino-class livestock freighter, OUMS Macarthur

Tradewind II-class shorthaul cargo ship

Tradewind II-class shorthaul cargo ship, OUMS Tony Abbott

Olympus-class starliner

I feel like this design is supposed to specifically recall something, but I can never remember what. It makes me feel vaguely nostalgic, though.

Glow-worm-class free trader

She should look familiar...

Luxury space yacht

Luxury space yacht

I tried for a Chris Foss-style pattern on these two. They come off a bit pirate-y, which works. Hey, maybe I should do some space pirates...

Workshack-class space station, ‘Oaky-III’

This little workshack station is fun to paint. At fleet scale, I suppose the thing is tremendous, but it feels so dinky and tiny. When and if I get around to some asteroids and other astronomical terrain, he should feel a bit more appropriate.

OUMS Macarthur comes into dock,
while the waste transport OUMS Tony Abbott awaits her turn

That's it for now on the Full Thrust spaceships. I'm still working on a bunch of other projects on the table, but sadly no fun spaceships for a little while. I do have a box of + TRANSMISSION ENDS +


  1. The Starliner is the president's ship from Battlestar Galactica (2003).

    1. Oh, right! Much more recent than I keep thinking.

  2. Lovely spaceships, I do like the GZG line. Shame the clean up can be such a chore sometimes.

    1. The Oceanic Union line are a bit worn, I have to admit. Jon is such a decent fellow that I hesitate to criticise though!
