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Sunday, 23 February 2020

Tanks for the scenery

Managed to finish off some terrain recently.

yeah take that space sharks
not affiliated with any raiders, at dusk or dawn
More photos of each under the cut...

I've had these kits floating around for about a year now, and have finally gotten around to painting them up in the past few weeks. The MDF was made by Angri Artists, based in Brisbane, but he's since closed his store. It's a great shame, as these were extremely affordable and went together very well.

I kept this kit very simple, mostly focusing on getting the basics right. The colour and number combination is genuinely a total coincidence.

What does it contain? Well, the signs warn that it's toxic, but that could just be the local H20 dealer keeping his stash secret. My favourite answer was 'gamergirl bathwater', from some rake over on reddit, so I'm going to go with that.

order of operations is important

magneto was right

I gave some complicated graffiti a go, after reading the Goonhammer tutorial. The MUTIE tag turned out the best; the HYDRALPHA the worst - ironic, as they were painted in the opposite order. But I learned a lot doing it, and the whole thing looks fine from gaming length, which is the whole point.

I intended the piece to have the ladder central, with plenty of room for miniatures to move around in front of it. I then glued the ladder on the wrong side, like a peanut. It still worked out fine, but yeesh.


safety second; spotting traitors first
I should stop putting KIL KIL KIL on absolutely everything, but I can't.

Herne squeezes through the gap, in violation of the clearly posted sign
I did remember to leave enough room for a 25mm base on this one. This makes the terrain piece more interactive, especially for skirmish gaming.

not sure a grenade is a great choice here, Champion-Sergenat Gehazi 
It's been pointed out to me that we can't show off terrain without having some painted goons fighting over it, so here is Aspiring Champion-Sergeant Gehazi and some cultists fighting members of Kill Team: Renegade.

That's it for now. I have a battle report from last week's Necromunda game to write up - and I really need to finish off these gnomes before the end of the week.

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