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Sunday, 15 September 2019

"..the appearance of a gigantic, flightless bird."

A few months ago, I got the new Battletech boxed set. I played a lot of Mechwarrior as a teenager, and it's one of those wargames I just never got a chance to get into. The rules were always archaic, and the fluff seemed endless. There was just no good starting point.

After the BATTLETECH video game came out last year, I was able to have a more gentle introduction into the setting and was able to start digging into it.

Here we have a Locust LCT-1V. I've painted her in yellow, as for the 1st Canopian Curaissiers, Magistracy Royal Guards, Magistcracy of Canopus. The yellow isn't quite right, going from the examples at Camospecs or Unit Colour Compendium, but it might pass for an older, beaten-up scout. That's in keeping with a Locust, around 3085, I think.

She's been painted with a coat of Nazdreg Yellow from Citadel's new Contrast range, over a base of steel colouring. Iyanden Yellow might get me closer to the bright yellows we see on the examples above, especially if I bring the basecoat up to a brighter silver first. I'll try that next.

In the meantime, I'm open to feedback or suggestions for basing schemes. I was originally thinking of a pale grey, like a moonscape or a levelled city, but the Periphery has all kinds of biospheres.

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