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While content is being migrated from tumblr, this page is obviously going to be in flux. In principle, the projects listed here will link to their project tags, while completed projects will each get their own pages.

In practice, at the moment, this page is going to be a boring list.

+ complete +

Strike Force Wollondilly - Full Thrust Oceanic Union Defence Force. Fleet scale.

Codename: Sothoth - Full Thrust Sa'Vasku. Fleet scale.

Servants of the True Emperor - Undead Mordheim warband. 28mm.

+ working +

+ no title +  Battletech Magistcracy of Canopus 'mech company. 6mm.

A Crusade into Mousillon - Warhammer Bretonnian / Kings of War Brotherhood army. 28mm.

(Rogue) Traders - Full Thrust merchants, civilians, and pirates. Fleet scale.

The Siege of Warsaw - Bolt Action Early War Polish army. 28mm.

Dino-Knights - Gaslands cars. 20mm.

Future, Tense - various Warhammer 40K projects.

Kabal of the Sun Betrayed - Dark Eldar. Includes the Cult of Splintered Sight as Wyches. 28/32mm.

Badab War: Endymion Cluster - Mantis Warriors Space Marines. Set during or just post-Badab War. 28/32mm.

Against Death - Horus Heresy-era Death Guard army. 28/32mm.

..and they shall know no fear - assorted Space Marines as ways to break up army-level painting. Includes a variety of homebrew and unusual successor chapters. 28/32mm.

+ no title + The occasional messing about with Nurgle-themed and/or vaguely Inq28-inspired things but these are not really projects, and so don’t have proper titles or tags. Watch this space. 28/32mm.

Occasionally there is a bit of Oldhammer stuff, but no real pattern.

+ planning +

Future projects include:

+ no title + Bloody Rose Sisters of Battle. 28mm.

Cardassians for Full Thrust. Fleet scale.

The Wolf of Israel - Iron Age Assyria. Probably for Warhammer Ancient Battles. 28mm.

Scottish Royalists - the Montrose campaign in the ‘English’ Civil War. Probably for Pike and Shotte, possibly Warhammer Ancient Battles. 28mm.

15mm SF to go with Full Thrust. Mostly to include walkers and mechs.

+ theoretical +

Future projects may hopefully include:

County of Averland - Warhammer Empire army. My first collection but plenty of work needed. 28mm.

Winter War Finnish. Bolt Action. 28mm.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Probably Pike and Shotte. 28mm.

Toofy Fish Tribe - forest goblins. Originally planned for Warhammer Fantasy but now intended for Kings of War. 28mm.

Lone Wolf - slowly collecting a combination of older and newer Lone Wolf miniatures. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. 25-32mm.

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